Jumat, 16 Januari 2009

Good News!

Remember a while back, I told you that we were pretty sure the coyotes had finished Cora off. (Cora was Julia' bottle lamb from two years ago). Well, we were wrong. Very wrong.

Saturday afternoon we found a black ewe who strongly resembled Cora, Julia's bottle lamb from a couple years ago. All three of us were standing in the back of the barn, checking out the newest lambs when a brown ewe walked up to us. We looked at one another and all wondered out loud ---- "Could this be Cora?" The ewe kept hanging around and after about 20 minutes of Julia patting her without the ewe leaving the scene, we decided that Cora must indeed still be with us. We were all overjoyed.

The next day, we arrived to find Cora had delivered a huge white ram lamb. Amazingly big - it was a wonder petite Cora didn't have trouble with her lambing. Here she is with "Jackson" as Julia has named him. He is taking his first steps.

Jackson is a few days old now and Cora is darn proud. She is such a splendid mama.

Here is proud "grandma Julia."

We were mistaken! Boy are we glad!

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