Rabu, 05 November 2008

Explorations in Color

Like most people, my first explorations in color began as a child. I can still remember opening up a new box of crayons - the 64 pack from Crayola.

I remember the sharp points and the waxy smell.

I remember hoping my little sisters who I shared them with wouldn't break them. I remember wishing I could have a perfect, unused box all to myself.

I can still feel the anticipation I had of combining the colors into one big beautiful coloring project.

But mostly I remember the pristine look of the virgin crayons - ahhhhhh - what a site.

I remember the rough paper wrappers printed in black ink that had all the names of the colors down at the lower flat end of the crayon. Now they are in three languages - how cool. What a great way for kids to learn another language early!

I remember my favorite crayon color was red violet. What was yours?

Do you have a special color memory? I would love to hear your thoughts.

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