Selasa, 02 Desember 2008

Giveaway and Mothering Magazine Cover

First off, I'm holding a Giveaway every week before Christmas - this is my way of thanking all of you for reading my blog over the past couple of years. Make sure to stop back every week and sign up for the Giveaway. I'll try to have the contest posted by each Tuesday. You'll have to read through this post to hear about this week's Giveaway.

I was at the newsstand the other day and saw something that looked quite familiar. On second glance, I discovered that yes, it was indeed, mightily familiar. Here on the cover of Mothering magazine was a sweater of mine. A quick look inside on the Table of Contents and I found that the photographer had been credited but there was no mention anywhere of the book Knitting For Baby where the image came from. I co-authored KFB with Melanie Falick way back when in 2002. Ross Whitaker was the photographer and a great one he was and is.

The sweater shown on this magazine’s cover was one of my favorite projects from that book! I love Aran cable sweaters for kids or adults. This one had a lovely combination of cables that is easy to knit – even for beginning Aran knitters. The button closing works great for little kids because you don’t have to snug down a tight neck over a screaming little one’s head.

I called Melanie to check on the legality of the whole thing and she said that the rights had expired and that the photographer had sold the image to the magazine. I guess they can do that. I was a bit miffed – it would be nice to see our names and the book’s name in print, once again. But oh well, that is how these things go.

Over the years, I have heard from so many knitters about how they have made this or that project from Knitting For Baby. When Melanie and I worked on KFB, we both had just been through the baby raising time with my Julia and her Ben. We were so clear on what projects a mom would want and also what kind of knits would work well for a little one. We also planned the book so that it would be a progression from beginning knitter to advanced knitter. I think it worked rather successfully. Knitting For Baby came out in paperback last spring. If you’ve got a friend or relative who is expecting, KFB may be the perfect gift. You can order a signed copy from my website here.

This week's giveaway is:
1. One brand new signed copy of Knitting For Baby
2. Enough Julia Yarn to knit the easy garter stitch baby booties shown in this photo from KFB

Here's the rules - only USA and Canadian addresses. You must sign in the comments section here on my blog by NOON EST on Friday the 5th. I'll announce the winner shortly after noon each Friday before Christmas. Please make sure I can get a contact you through your "Blogger" account. If not, I'll give the present to a different winner the next day. (If this doesn't work this week, I'll have to change the rules.) Good luck and as always, thanks for reading! There will be two more Giveaways coming this month. Stop back to visit!

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