Senin, 15 Desember 2008

The Ice Storm Cometh

Last week, there was a big storm. Lots of rain, slush, sleet and ice. So much water that there is no place for it all to go. We’re okay. We didn’t lose power for long although most of our neighbors still don’t have it. They say it will be several days until power will be restored to many people.

Our farmhouse is lower than where the ice was and still is. The Farmer was able to get to the sheep to feed them although he had to go the long way around the mountain to get to them. When he did get to the sheep, they were really wet but there was no ice at all. They were happy to get some new hay. Thank goodness for those wooly coats.

Julia and I stayed off the road for two days. Can’t remember a time I last did that. When I did venture out on Saturday, I couldn’t believe the Winter Wonderland at the top of our hill. Our farmhouse is rather tucked away down in a hollow a little ways down the hill. The ice storm around here was elevation oriented this storm was. Just up the road it looks like this.

On Saturday afternoon, Julia and I drove further up the hills. The ice and the light were so incredibly beautiful. The trees were covered with thick layers of ice - sparkling like diamonds.

The sun started to get lower in the sky but we kept climbing higher. At a field across town I found these beautiful ice sculptures. I was beside myself. How could a storm that did so much damage to so many trees also create such beautiful sculpture? Wow.

After the sun went down, I stayed out a little longer. I wondered what it all would look like at night. Still pretty in the the headlights of my car. I couldn't help but think of all the wild animals out there, trying to find shelter during the storm. Where do they go to stay safe?

As we all know, nature is bigger than all of us.

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