Jumat, 19 Desember 2008

Winter White and a Winner

We're in the midst of a blizzard here - or so they say. It sure is coming down hard and looks beautiful. It's a good afternoon to stay inside and make some Christmas cookies. Maybe have some hot chocolate or a cup of tea.

After a quick trip to the grocery store for provisions, I stopped by the sunflower field to see what it looked like. The field was full of birds looking for the remnants of last summer's flowers. Brave and hardy little birdies.

The sheep are ready for the storm. They've got nice warm coats on. Most of them will just lie down in one little spot until the storm stops. They'll be covered with snow for sure. Then they will stand up, shake it off, never the worse for wear.

I have been meaning to mention that it has been over a week since we lost any animals to the coyotes. Keep your fingers crossed. Some of the ewes are starting to look a bit pregnant so it shouldn't be long before our first new lamb is born. You know what that means - I'll be plenty busy with my camera!

Thanks to all who entered the embroidery giveaway. The winner this week is Nessa. Please contact me as soon as possible with your mailing address and I will get the box of embroidery goodies out to you.

I loved reading all the comments about when and how you learned embroidery. It seems there are lots of stitchers out there who are eager to refresh their skills or just plain ready to learn anew. It's a great thing to learn around the holidays when you may have some time off from work.

Enjoy the pre-holiday festivities and snow if you are having it where you live!

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