Rabu, 21 Januari 2009

Beyond Cold

This morning it is 2 below zero! This is the kind of day you lose lambs - even healthy ones if they catch a chill or perhaps fall into the water trough by mistake and can't get warm. Let's hope everyone survives the day.

It was stunningly beautiful this morning despite the cold. The sun was bouncing off the trees make the apple trees look like almost sureal. I love days like these but I am also thankful for the wood heat in our furnace.

Some of our cats barely venture outside in the winter. They prefer lounging on the blankets and wool throws that are scattered about. Once in a while, I will be looking for a swatch for a project I am working on. It will have disappeared and I become incredibly frustrated. Then a cat will go for a snack and I discover that one of the felines has been sleeping on the little swatch. So funny. Otto, our male red striped tiger, loves the cold. He stays out all night and prowls around. I am amazed he enjoys the cold as much as he does but he sure does have one thick fur coat on so I shouldn't worry.

I just got the newest issue of Vogue Knitting - Winter 2008/2009. It looks like there are a bunch of very nice projects in it - many of them relatively quick to knit so you could actually finish something before the season changes. I think Trisha and Joe and the rest of the team really got it right with this cover. The icy blue thickly spun cabled scarf certainly echos the winter weather here today.

I've got a cute pair of scarves in this Winter issue. They are the last project in the book. I love the picture of these two adorable kids. These scarves were knit of Nashua's Creative Focus. It's a loosely spun wool and alpaca yarn that is real soft and is available in over 60 colors. I think if you work hard, you could knit one in a weekend. And of course, you could change the colors and make something more bright and poppy!

Before I shipped the scarves off last year, I took a photo of Julia wrapped up in both of them. Here she is. Boy - she is a patient kid! It was pretty hot out and I had her wrapped up in a blanket and wearing both of the scarves around her neck.

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