Minggu, 11 Januari 2009

Fast and Furious Lambing Season

We’ve had a busy few days of lambing. So busy that we have lost count and the red and blue sheep numbering system seems to have fallen by the wayside somewhat. (I’m thankful for that and so are my photos!) Wednesday there were ten lambs born. We lost two from the previous week. They weren’t healthy and couldn’t survive despite extra milk fed via a feeding tube. It happens. You get used to it. Not that it is easy. It’s always sad to find a dead lamb. But it is part of the job. When you are expecting over 100 lambs, you know that not all will survive.

Thursday we had nine lambs born. Friday there were seven lambs. Saturday morning (when I am writing this) there were three more and the day is young. We lost a very small twin today – it has been in the house for a couple days. At first we thought it might make it but he developed pneumonia and couldn’t survive. Sweet little thing – rest in peace.

Here are some lamb photos for you to enjoy and share with your children. I’ve been hearing from so many of you that your kids are enjoying out lambing season. It makes me feel good that I can use this blog to share our little bit of farm living with so many families and fiber friends.

The numbering system began in good faith but by Wednesday, when 10 lambs were born – it bit the dust. The plan was to number each mother with a number and then give the baby or babies the same number. The Farmer used a marking paint he bought from Pipestone, a sheep supply company. The paint washes out when the wool is cleaned.

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