Senin, 09 Februari 2009

New Mamas

Our big lambing rush is over. Now instead of ten lambs being born a day, it is one or two or three, or sometimes none. Most of the older experienced mamas have already had their babies. Now is when a different challenge happens.

The yearling ewes sometimes lamb, sometimes not. It's all depends if they are mature enough to become pregnant in the fall. Often, our yearlings will lamb in April and May which makes it much easier for everyone - The Farmer and the sheep - since the weather is much warmer. By then, the sheep are out on grass.

Last Friday, two yearlings lambed. This one had a lovely little baby and she was doing a great job taking care of it - so good she didn't even need to be put in a pen for a day of bonding. I'll talk about the other one tomorrow.

Across the barn, a two year old gave birth to this beautiful set of twins. They were quite large and super healthy. They lay there so still for me after I took photo after photo, the mama kind of wondering what I was doing but not interfering.

Monday, Monday - make it a good one.

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