Here's The Jumper and her little ones. Aren't those little backends the cutest with their fluffy legs and long tails? There are two boys and one girl. They are still penned up by themselves but all are nursing and seem to be getting along well. It's a good thing her udder is so large and droopy and her wool isn't as long as many of our sheep. It makes it a little easier for the babies to get at the milk. I'm pretty sure there will be a pecking order on who gets the most food and who is nudged away by the more aggressive lambs. It's going to be interesting to see how they grow.
This is it - the last day of the big four day blogiversary giveaway here at "Getting Stitched on the Farm." Thanks so much to all who have entered and spent their time typing answers to questions in Blogger - I know it can sometimes be frustrating and things don't get through (like my mom's comments - she can never get it to work). It is very touching to know that you would take the time out of your busy day. I urge you, if you do have the time, the comments the past few days have been very interesting and are worth a read.
You all know how I work alone.... putting this and that project together, waiting for them to get into print, hiding the projects until I can reveal them. It seems that I never do make anything, doesn't it? Keeping this blog has become a special part of my life and I thank every single one of you for reading and indulging me on my soapbox once in a while. One thing I did learn this week from running this contest is that I have very interesting blog readers! It has shown in the comments section!
Today, I have a really lovely set of prizes. I want this last question to make you think a bit... I've been thinking about "creativity" lately. I often hear people say as I travel around town "Oh, you're so creative... I just can't do it. I want to, but I can't." I always say to them that "Oh yes you can." When I go to teach classes, when I can get myself off the farm, I hear a lot of the same. Knitters will say "I'm not good with color. I can't do embroidery."
For me, that is all a bit hard to understand. I am so ensconsed in making things, designing things, all the time that I can't understand when someone says they can't do it. I personally think that everyone has a creative bone in their body - it is just buried under layers of supposed education, doing things the right way, feeling hemmed in by life's necessities and daily chores. I try to help people find their inner designer, help them to have the confidence to step outside their box. Even The Farmer last summer declared himself an artist. (I must be getting to him.) He told me that the sunflowers were his art. And I whole heartedly believe him - and have always thought so. Creativity can be found in many walks of life - it doesn't mean paper and paint, needle and yarn, guitar and voice. Art is everywhere - if you look for it.
So that is the topic of the question of the day? (It came to me at 2:05 a.m.) What makes you feel creative? Do you have any rituals you go through to get your creative juices flowing? Is there anyone you look to for inspiration? What is your art of choice? (Think outside and inside the box here folks.) Did you have a special mentor in your life that made you feel creative and helped to develop your talents? Do you find certain stumbling blocks to your creative path and how do you get over them?
That's it - run with it. Can't wait to see what you write. There are some fabulous prizes today! First off is the hot off the DVD press of the latest season of Knit and Crochet Today - Season 200B which is not even for sale yet. This has been kindly donated by my friend Candi Jensen, Producer of the K&CT Series for PBS.

You have until noon on Saturday to sign up. Have a great weekend everyone!
Shelly in Bellingham, Washington was the big winner of Wednesday's prizes. Congrats to her.
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