Rabu, 11 Maret 2009

Liquid Gold and Liquid Brown

More snow - two nights in a row. I know it won't last long. It looks so pretty covering the hemlock trees in the woods. Winter, I will miss you.....

Just up the road, the sap is being collected in this very large 250 gallon tank. Our neighbors will empty it every day when the sap really starts running. Around here, we call sap "liquid gold."

Down at the farm The Farmer grew up on, where our sheep winter and spend part of the year, there's some black gold going on the field. The Farmer's brother (the other farmer) has been sharing his cow manure. Here, it is being spread on one of the fields that isn't too wet to drive on.

Looks pretty nasty, doesn't it? But it will help the pastures grow.

A yearling lamb birthed this cute little black and white baby yesterday. It's doing great. Very curious about my camera....

And then there is this......

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