Selasa, 21 April 2009

Lambs on the Loose

Slowly, we are moving the older lambs which were born in January up to our spring and summer grazing here at our farm. These lambs are large enough to leave their moms. Most of them were probably still nursing but it's time to give their mamas a break. The fences aren't quite set up correctly yet so they've been having a grand time exploring the neighborhood. Their freedom gig will be up soon - by tomorrow the fences should be controlling them, I hope.

My garden is starting to look green - by the end of this coming weekend everything should start popping. We had a lovely bit of rain last night and today is one of those moody grey and cloudy days that is perfect for pictures. My entryway pots will be filled with springtime pansies any day now.

The daffodils I planted a few years ago are out in full force. My dad loved daffodils and carried this poem - William Wordsworth's Daffodils - around in his wallet. I planted 400 daffodils and narcissus in his memory the November after he died. I can't help but think about Daddy everytime I look at them.

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