Selasa, 28 Juli 2009

Classes This Weekend and Kristin's Best Foot Forward Sock Yarn Giveaway

This coming Saturday and Sunday are the first “Get Stitched on the Farm” classes here at Leyden Glen Farm! The weather is supposed to be beautiful which will make things even more fun. I’m continuing to prepare. To say this is a lot of work is an understatement and I hope I can get everything on my “to do” list done. It may be unattainable. At this point, I’m taking a quick break to write this blog post before scrubbing the studio floor. I wish Cinderella lived here but alas, it is only me.

Living on a farm on a dirt road lends all kinds of challenges. Animals running in and out of the house, dirt on everyone’s boots, dust coming in the windows from the dirt road. Although I present this all with a romantic twist, it is a comedy of errors most times. I am currently fighting with “Crazy Chicken” and trying to reclaim my mudroom and put a fresh coat of paint on the benches. She isn’t happy and continues to plop herself in there every night. At this point, I’m not sure who is winning.

I didn’t get enough students to run both classes in August so this weekend is the only August class. It was probably a stupid, over-ambitious plan considering the state of the economy. Two classes within 2 weeks – what was I thinking? There will be a huge learning curve with this project! I have cancelled the August 15-16 class if you were on the fence. There is still a space available this weekend if you love a last minute thing!

I have set a date for a September “Sunflower Immersion” weekend. The plan is to celebrate the sunflowers blooming and knit floral Fair Isle designs and embroider a sunflower pillow top. I’m still in the planning stages but check the date and sign up soon. I promise a really fun time.

“Sunflower Immersion” Knitting and Stitching Weekend
at Kristin’s Farm

September 19 and 20

We continue to have so much rain. It has a been a real challenge even getting the sunflowers to come up this year. We finally got to planting about 7 rows of sunflowers last Tuesday and then came another 8 to 10 inches of rain. Not sure if those seeds will rot or germinate! There are a few rows that are growing slowly. We shall see!

To celebrate my upcoming “Get Stitched On the Farm” weekend, I am running a “giveaway” here on the blog. It just so happens that this is the week that my new sock yarn “Best Foot Forward” from Nashua Handknits is shipping to yarn stores throughout the USA and Canada. I have 1 skein of Best Foot Forward yarn for 3 different knitters. One skein will make a pair of socks. Leave your name in the comments section along with an easy way to get a hold of you. You have until Monday morning at 7 a.m. August 3rd to enter. I’ll draw the 3 winners sometime on Monday after I recuperate from my knitting guests!

I’ll be sure to post pictures from the weekend sometime next week.

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