The summer flew by at warp speed this year. The beginning month of rain did not help, I must say. Besides making farming pretty impossible, it sure did make everyone around here feel pretty gypped of classic summer days. But enough moaning......
My family and I have been lucky to be invited to my friend Sally's house on Swan's Island off the coast of Maine since the late 1980's. A couple weeks ago, we loaded the dogs, all of us, and lots of farm fresh food into the car and went off on another island adventure. If you have never had the chance to visit an island in Maine, put it on your list of "must-see's." It is a very special experience, everytime we go.
It takes a lot for us to leave our farm as a complete family. We are fortunate to have neighbors who are farmers and comfortable with caring for large numbers of sheep. That is the only way we can get away as a family. The Farmer doesn't like to leave but he does every once in awhile. (Julia and I on the other hand, take off frequently!) He worries a lot for the week before we leave. There are fences to prepare and instructions to give. Then we all cross our fingers and head off.
Riding on the ferry gives the vacation just the right bit of adventure and exoticism. We left Bass Harbor on the "Henry Lee."
Julia has been to Swan's Island many times although she can't remember any trip but the one we took 2 years ago. She was really excited to just go away.
We had all kinds of island adventures - visiting the different beaches.....
visiting Burnt Coat Lighthouse ....
and drinking tea every afternoon....
and best of all, eating lobsters. Here is Sally's neighbor David rowing in our dinner freshly caught on his lobster boat.
We were there for Hurricane Bill. I've never been on the island for a hurricane and we all were glued to the weather on the t.v. wondering how hard the storm would hit. It sure did rain a lot and there were some cloudy days. The day after the storm, we drove around the island watching all the waves. It was amazing - incredibly blue skies and lots of folks out doing the same thing we were. We were careful to stay far away from the enormous waves but it was incredibly entertaining.
Julia delivering some peace and love on a walk above the rock beach.
This wave surprised the heck out of Nessie. She might be sheep savvy but she sure isn't ocean savvy.
Sadly, we had to leave Swan's and return to our regular lives. But we will keep it in our heart until we get to visit again.
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