Saturday morning, as I was zipping by the sunflower field on the way to FiberTwist, I was overjoyed to see that the frost stayed away from our flowers! Friday night, I cut so many flowers and brought them into the house, for fear that it would be another year until I would get to enjoy the beautiful flowers. I stuffed flowers into every vase in the house.
Yesterday, I realized I have barely posted a photo of the flowers here. Doing all the Farmer's Markets has cut into the amount of time I have to photograph and enjoy the field of flowers that is finally blooming. Let's not even mention all the struggle to even get the flowers to come up between all the rain, rain, and more rain this summer.
Yesterday, a neighbor stopped by the field while I was picking flowers. She said, as everyone has this year, that she thought we weren't doing the sunflower field this year. Driving by the field in July and August made me feel super frustrated. It just looked so pitiful and lonely and sad. Even though The Farmer and I were trying to get the plants to grow, the weather wasn't cooperating. The hours we spent planting and re-planting, weeding and tilling didn't show.
But then last week, the rows that survived really did start to strut their stuff. The buckets are full of flowers to buy. Different varieties are blooming daily.
So, if you are local, stop by and take a peek. Buy a bunch of flowers for a friend. They are stunning!
I love this up-close image of the developing seeds, the dew and the petals.
Thanks to all of you who stopped by at FiberTwist on Saturday in Greenfield. It was so much fun to meet you and give you a sunflower from the field and a postcard! I love putting faces with the commentor's names and meeting silent readers who never comment. It's nice to know that my blog puts a sunny spot in everyone's day. I got to hear about how our kittens are doing at different reader's homes. Evidently their mama's hunting skills have been passed on to her progeny. I even had two readers drive up from NYC - what a trip that must of been. I sent them off to the sunflower field after visiting with them (and selling them some lamb chops!). Thanks for coming ladies. Bringing the lamb turned out to be a very good idea. It seems that not all knitters are afraid of eating lamb! I was pleasantly surprised to meet all the omnivores and sell them some of our fine pasture raised lamb.
Thanks for coming everyone!
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