Senin, 02 November 2009

Book Launch and Julia Yarn Giveaway!

The big news continues! To celebrate the Book Launch of Color by Kristin, the fine folks at Webs and I are having a contest all this week ending on Friday. Kathy Elkins and I will draw a random winner on Friday. The winner gets a fabulous prize - a signed copy of Color by Kristin, the yarn for a project of their choice in the quantity for their size (if applicable) and the necessary needles, notions, etc. Pretty cool, huh?

Here's what you have to do to enter.

1. You have to read through this post over on the Webs blog and leave a comment.

2. Then you have to answer the following two questions leaving the answer in my comments section.

Question # 1: Have you ever done a steek and cut your knitting?
Question # 2: Have you ever added embroidery stitches onto your knitting or crochet?

Any more fun tid-bits you'd like leave are also welcome.

Remember, you must comment on both The Webs Blog and my "Getting Stitched on the Farm" blog.

Good luck! And as Kathy wrote, "let the commenting begin!"

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