Jumat, 29 Januari 2010

Cold Day to be a Sheep Farmer

Below zero this morning with wicked biting wind. Not the best day to be a sheep farmer. The water tubs looked like this.

The silage is frozen. The Farmer peels little bits off the giant bale to feed to the waiting ewes. Eventually the sun will help melt the silage so by mid-afternoon it won't be quite as slow and tedious to feed. I know - I was in charge the other day when The Farmer had to go out of town. Made me appreciate what he does even more.

Never the less, the barn yarn looked calm and serene, if a bit busy. Do you see the ewe using the "scratching post" for a massage?

The older lambs are getting really playful. They have discovered the manure pile and love to play king and queen of the mountain. For all you composters, the manure is removed from the greenhouse barn once a year in the fall. It gets set just outside the barn. In the summer or late fall, after resting a year, The Farmer spreads it on his hay fields with a manure spreader. Good stuff!

These guys were snoozing in the sun.

Isn't this one the cutest? Love the little black nose.

And these twins look intertwined, don't they?

Good weekend everyone. Thanks so much to Kay and Ann over at the fabulous Mason-Dixon Knitting Blog for giving my new book a plug! I loved what Ann wrote - how she compared my neutral colored sheep photos to my very colorful knits. It doesn't exactly make sense, does it? But that's how it is outside at our farm this time of year. Gotta get a color fix somehow. Might as well knit colorfully! Don't you love their books? They have such a great sense of humour and convey it so well on the pages of their books. They're also not afraid of Fair Isle and steeking. Girls after my own knitting heart! Thanks again guys.

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