Kamis, 11 Maret 2010

Bet You Were Surprised? So Am I.....

Kelly P. just alerted me to the fact that the post I put up yesterday with a Decorated Chain Stitch Video was not what I posted. Oh my goodness everyone. I am so sorry. I uploaded the video onto Blogger yesterday at the library and I guess whatever got onto my blog was not my Decorated Chain Stitch Video but something she called "a very explicit porn video." I can't check from here (dial-up) but I'm just believing her and I took the post down.

YIKES! How did this happen and how come noone else told me????? I'm so sorry if you got the shock of your lifetime. Here you are coming to a nice little stitching blog and what do you get???? Wow. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry.

Come to think of it, I got a couple odd e-mail notifications and subscribers. Mystery.... Sorry again.

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