Jumat, 30 April 2010

The Long Climb Up

Before I left the farm to teach at Marji's Ewephoric Knitting Weekend in CT this weekend, I took a nice long walk with the dogs. The sheep have been grazing our neighbor's giant hill for a few weeks now. It is a spectacular sight, as they slowly eat their way up and down this large expanse of grass. The field has really greened up since they have been intensively grazing the field, spreading manure as they go.

It's a giant hill and quite a work-out to walk up. The Farmer is fit and can walk up it without huffing and puffing. Me? Not so good. I'll keep walking it though and it will get easier. Cheaper than a treadmill and way prettier.

If I were a dog, I would be panting like Phoebe was.

Nessie on the other hand is a speed demon flying up the hill. Do you see her? She is the little spec below the pine trees in front of the white birches. I told you, this is a big hill......
Here is the view when you get on top of the hill. You can see all the way down to Springfield and CT.

When we reached the sheep, we climbed over the electronet fence. The sheep were already flocked together because Nessie had arrived before Phoebe and I. These sheep are all adults who are used to reacting to the dogs.

I doubt the sheep think about the hill, nor the view. They're all about the grass.

One ewe was off to the side, not with the flock. On closer inspection, she wasn't alone. She had lambed last night and was with her cute little lamb.

Here's Mama and baby.

The Farmer swung on by to check to make sure everyone was okay. I'm pretty sure he's thinking, "Boy this beats winter lambing."

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