Selasa, 27 April 2010

A Song Dedicated to Olympia and Friends

A few weeks ago when I was at The Wellesley Booksmith, I got a chance to see Wren Ross's musical performance devoted to knitting. I've known Wren for years - I met her when I worked at TYC and she knit a sweater for our pattern collection. Once in a while our paths cross as they did in March. Wren lives in Boston and besides being a wonderfully talented knitter, she also sings about knitting all while playing her guitar. I got a chance to listen to her whole presentation - who was to think you could make knitting become lyrical and fun to listen to.

At the end of her presentation, she announced that she had written a song dedicated to Olympia, our little lamb. Evidently Olympia's total cuteness and crazy floral felted lei inspired her. Wow!

Today I got an email from Wren - she has professionally recorded the song and it is on her blog. Check it out here. It's easy to sing and you can teach your kids or fellow knitters! Wren also has a knitting CD! available on her website. Wouldn't this be a great idea as a giveaway at a knitting guild end of year party?

Check out Wren's website. Besides being a knitter and designer, she is a voice-over artist, performer and entertainer, author and a lovely person to boot. Her book, which she co-wrote with Daena Giardella is called "Changing Patterns... Discovering the Fabric of Your Creativity." It explores and celebrates the creative process and knitting as a path to self-awareness. I'm reading it now and really enjoying reading about what I do.

I can just imagine all of you folks going to Maryland Sheep and Wool Festival this weekend..... singing Wren's Ode to Olympia and all her other four footed wooly friends.

p.s. Postcards of Olympia are still available on my shop page here. Pattern coming soon, I promise.

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