Kamis, 10 Juni 2010

Julia's Fiberart Experience at Cherscapes Studio in Greenfield

This spring Julia has been taking a series of Fiberart classes at the new "Cherscapes" Studio in Greenfield. It has been a great three months for her. She's met some similarly aged girls from other towns who are interested in sewing, surface design, and crafting things. I must admit, this was my idea but Julia has gone along for the ride and has actually looked forward to each Wednesday afternoon.

Cheryl has worked as a teacher with kids with learning issues so I thought she would be a great person to help Julia learn more about the things I like to do. Julia is never much interested in what I make and I haven't had a lot of luck getting her to learn to make and do. Cheryl on the other hand has.

Julia has made tie-dyed and painted fabrics, she made and printed from a silkscreen. She has learned to use a sewing machine and how to stuff a pillow, and she is even learning some basic sewing.

Here she is in a photo by Cheryl embroidering on a hoop.

The class is over for this school year but I'm hoping I can swing getting Julia to go back again. Thank you Cheryl for all your help, patience, and kind nature.

You can check out Cheryl's blog here and her classes here. I have several friends who are taking the adult series of Surface Design Classes and they are loving it!

I hope I can take one of her silk screen workshops one day as that is something I have always wanted to do. Maybe next year. Have a peek at Cheryl's silk scarves here on her website.

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