Jumat, 04 Juni 2010

Peony Season

Peonies have got to be one of my favorite flowers. I love the fact that a peony bed can last a hundred years in the same place without dividing. When we first moved to our farmhouse, I indulged myself in several different peony plants that I found at Walker Farm in Dummerston, VT. They have been reliably blooming and delighting me every June. With the hot weather this year, they are blooming a little earlier than normal.

The storm knocked down lots of the blooms but I was able to gather an armful to put on the kitchen table.....

On the window sill above the sink....

I love the sink and faucet I picked out many years ago. My kitchen window opens wide and I can watch the chickens pick around their pen and catch a lamb or two walking by in the pasture beyond.

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