Selasa, 06 Juli 2010

100 Degrees in the Shade

I'm not sure I could live in Houston. If I did, I would never knit. We're in the middle of an excruciating heat/humidity spell here in the Northeast. I hate the heat. I try but I have always hated it ever since I was a young girl. Fast forward 40 years and it is no better.

Today I thought I would get used to it so I went outside and started doing some of the work that needs to be done around here to clean it up. Picking up all the odd bits of wood left from the studio construction to be used for kindling next winter and moving it all up the hill in my wheelbarrow. Sweeping up the gravel that rushes down the road everytime it rains or snows and lands on the patio and in the garden. Adding leaves and bits to the compost pile and working on mulching the garden. I lasted until about noon. I made the mistake of coming inside and then going to the paint store in an air conditioned car. It was all I could do to go back outside again.

The Farmer doesn't mind the heat. He is of French Canadian descent and somewhere there must be some bit of Provence in there. He got up, did chores making sure the animals were okay and headed down to the Sunflower Field to till and put in a few more rows of flowers. He came back chipper. Me, I was drooping like a wilted piece of lettuce. He has no sympathy for me. Then he headed off to the Northampton Tuesday Farmer's Market held in a parking lot. Me, I decided to skip our Bernardston Farmer's Market which is held in a different parking lot. Too hot for me and Julia. Never mind we didn't have any lamb to sell. Thank goodness for that.

Tomorrow the sheep shearers are coming back to finish shearing the rest of the sheep. That means I have to stand there sorting manury wool. Do you know what lanolin tastes like? I do, unfortunately. When I wipe the sweat off my forehead, the lanolin mixes with it. Not a pretty picture I must say, nor is it too appetizing.

I'm not sure how I will make it, much less the sheep. The weather is supposed to get a bit cooler on Thursday. Let's hope so. I will not complain. Oh yes I will, just a little. The shearers and The Farmer are of much tougher stock than me. I'm just going to dream about when I had a real job and was in air conditioning. Maybe I can sneak in a cold shower after I feed them all lunch I have to get up in the morning and cook for them.

Remember.... Fleece Sale By The SIDE OF THE ROAD. Still on for Saturday. Someone asked about Cora's fleece. The black sheep are sheared last and I will put it aside for you Melissa S. That is if we finish them all tomorrow.

Sorry, no photos today. It is all I can do to type this.

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