Kamis, 01 Juli 2010

Announcing a New Class August 14/15 at Kristin's Farm

My 2010 "Getting Stitched on the Farm" Classes are almost filled! I'm so excited to have students coming from all over the USA - from as far away as Arizona! One student is coming with her sister to celebrate a "big" birthday! How fun. I even have one student returning because she had such a good time last year.

We're working really hard to get the studio up and going and ready for teaching and sharing. It should be a great time. There is one space available in each of the two workshops (July 31/Aug 1 and Oct 2/3).
You can sign up for those classes here.

Because there has been so much interest, I've decided to add a third class to the summer/fall roster. I'm calling it "A CELEBRATION OF COLOR AND FLOWERS - KNITTING AND STITCHING IN THE GARDEN." The dates are August 14/15, 2010. You can find out all about it on the Class Website here.

I promise you a good time sharing with other knitters and learning about life on the farm from my family. You'll leave with a project similar to this:

Check it out!

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