Jumat, 06 Agustus 2010

Day Two of "Getting Stitched on the Farm" Class July 2010

Sunday morning everyone arrived at around 9:00 a.m. ready for more knitting and stitching. I try to keep the second day of the class casual so that I can teach everyone individually what THEY want to learn.

We work on the same project together which everyone knit before they came to the farm. This class' project was a sunflower pillow. In the morning the students added embroidery to their pillow-top. Each student's design was a little different. I love to see how knitters interpret my patterns changing the colors and altering the embroidery.

Jackie brought her IPad which we all had fun looking at. She carries around all her downloaded PDF patterns in her knitting bag on her IPad. I personally think this may be the way of the future so I'm glad that my PDF patterns look so nice on Jackie's IPad. We had a joke around our house that The Farmer wanted an IPad for his birthday. It really is a joke because all he would do is use it as an expensive paperweight. You might call him a luddite. Julia and I are all over the IPad concept although it will be a long time til I get one. Jackie kindly let Julia play with her IPad all day Sunday. She had a blast. I told her she had better find herself a good job if she decides she wants one.

After lunch, we knit and stitched some more. I got feedback on how to improve the class.

"My" cat Charlie arrived in the studio mid-afternoon. He walked around, rubbed everyone's legs and looked for attention. What a sweet cat he is.

At around 4:00, everyone started to pack up. Then it was time for our official "class photo." Mark, Kathy's husband kindly volunteered to take multiple photos on multiple cameras!

Here we all are. I love this photo - everyone looks so happy.

From left to right: Front Row: Julia, me, Louisa, Mark (aka The Farmer), Margaret
Back Row: Laura, Jackie, Kathy

Everyone climbed into their cars and we plopped ourselves down to relax. We found Annika pooped out on one of the couches on the new porch.

I still have room for one more person in the August 14/15 class. Check out the website here. You can read about Louisa's experience here on her lovely blog called Merry Had A Little Lamb.

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