Selasa, 05 Oktober 2010

Rape Plants 35 Days Old

Quick update on the new oilseed rape drill out come.  The picture above is the result 35 days after the seeds were planted.  We have managed to establish 36 plants/m2 having sown 80 seeds/m2 (45% establishment).  The higher seed rate was used as a higher seedling loss was anticipated due to seed falling down the leg slot and increased slug activity as consolidation was not as easy.

This picture is in the next door field sown at the same time but we only planted 60 seeds/m2.  The establishment has been much better with 52 (86%) plants established.  I would however think that 52 plants could still be a little too thick.  Only time will tell and there will be some plant loss through the winter. It's still a long time until the spring.  The next thing to look out for will be Phoma, sure to be a problem with warm temperatures and rain showers to get the spores moving!

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