Jumat, 17 Desember 2010

More Inspiration from My Fabulous Readers

Continuing on the theme of inspiration from knitters out there in knitting land.....
From Donna Pilkington: "I emailed you a while back after knitting the colorful scarf for my granddaughter....she wears it all the time with her Corky (Fall River, MA) coat. She hates to wear hats and gloves so the scarf wrapped around the coat hood works well."

"For the glove part, I thought of making her fingerless mitts on a cord but reasoned that she would not wear them unless her Mom, Nonna and Zia (aunt) wore them. For Thanksgiving, we all wore our mitts as we walked DC. I was knitting them up to the last moment after making the last minute decision to drive thru the night given I 95 holiday traffic; the decision sorely cut into my knitting plan. I never did get a pic of all 4 of us wearing them but I send along a pic of my pair."

More from Donna: "I read the directions for your 'holiday gift' on your blog (thank you). For the ones I made, I did not do a thumb gusset as it would interfere with the color pattern. Instead, at the point of the thumb opening, I knit on stitches with waste yarn and then transferred them back and continued on in pattern, going back to that spot at the end and making the thumb. I was very pleased with the result and little Sophia indeed wears them, much to her parents pleasure."

The photo below shows Donna's thumb treatment:

I love these - don't you? And I recognize many of the charts from my book Color by Kristin. Nice job Donna!

From my friend Cathy Payson: "Hi KN: Attached are pictures of a Valentine Card I got. Chloe and Maxine are the girls from Chicago that I made the sunflower hats for. Cute! Just thought you'd like to see."

Here is the original link with a story about The Sunflower Hat. It is from my contribution to Mags Kandis' book Folk Style.

And lastly from Laura and in keeping with the season.....

"Hi Kristin -I just wanted to thank you for the inspiration that your style gives me. I love the play of color and combining two needle crafts to create a collage like expression. The design of the stocking was designed to show the joy and excitement of my new Great Nephew Erick. Thank you, Laura aka Flowerknitter on Ravelry"

Wow - isn't that the most beautiful Christmas stocking. Look at all the details! That lucky little boy Erick! And he won't have a clue how lucky he is until he goes to friends' houses and sees their plain Christmas stockings.

Happy weekend everyone! Keep the needles clicking.

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