It seems to me that my blog has become a constant sales pitch. I truly apologize for that. I tremor every time I update the card and calendar dates so they stay at the top of the blog. But this is the time of year when most people spend money and I'm no different than most retailers - you've got to take all the opportunities you have to promote and sell. It's exhausting thinking about it all.
That said, it's also the time of year when I want to thank all the people out there who support me and this blog. Since I don't know most of you personally, but I do know that many of you knit, I'm giving you an early Christmas gift. I've designed a really easy, quick to knit pair of triple stranded fingerless mittens and the pattern is available for free via Ravelry. Here is the link to the Ravelry page. If you hit the link below, the PDF file should be available to everyone - Ravelry member or not.
download now
I whipped these up just before Thanksgiving - knowing I would have some extra adult sized hands around to photograph. The Fingerless Mittens use one strand of my worsted weight Julia Yarn and 2 strands of my sock yarn Best Foot Forward. They are a really quick knit - I have made two more pairs since I finished these. Sometimes I just need a really simple project to fill a couple hours - especially as the stress of the holidays becomes closer.
My 17 year old niece Celia was kind enough to stack some wood......
and dig in her parent's garden while modeling. Thank you Celia!
I am under the understanding that you do not have to be a member of Ravelry to download the pattern. I'm not very clear about this, to tell you the truth and maybe someone can clear that up for me. If the link above doesn't work for you because you are not a Ravelry member, please let me know. It will be several days until I can get a second link done for my site so fingers crossed it will work for all!
And while I am talking about FREE, here's the link to Download The Snowflake Ornament Collection I designed last year. It's another super simple project and has instructions for both knit and crochet ornaments. Happy stitching!
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