Selasa, 01 Februari 2011

Lambing Accelerating

We're getting ready for the next storm. It never seems to stop this winter. Sure is beautiful but it is going to be tough for the next two days when lambing will be in full speed and snow and ice too. Yesterday a dozen lambs were born. Let's hope when we get to the barn this morning, things will be okay. Lambing is beginning later than normal for us. Sheep come into estrus (that means they can become pregnant) in August. If you keep the rams in with the ewes then, almost all of them will become pregnant within a month. This year, The Farmer decided to take the rams out of the ewe flock in August and put them back in a month later so our lambs would be born in February instead of January. The theory was the weather wouldn't be as bad and it would be warmer. Oh well, sounded like a good idea in August.

All plans go awry and a couple sheep got pregnant before the rams left, Cora included. Here are her lambs, born on Christmas Eve Day. Can you believe how big they have gotten! Cora is the BEST mother!

Lambing is going into full tilt. Sunday - 8 lambs were born, Monday a dozen. Here is one mama following her newborn to her pen. We keep them confined for a day to make sure the Mama has milk and is tending to her baby.

Lambs are usually up and about within 15 minutes of birth. These guys looked so nice as the sun was dipping and flooding the barn with light late in the afternoon.

All these Mamas know what they are in for. They are all very interested in the babies. When a Mama is about to lamb, they will sometimes become very interested in another mama's baby. It's a good sign for us - so we know who to watch.

I'll try to post some storm pictures over the next couple days. Stay warm and dry everyone!

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