When I look at these photos, it is easy to forget the snow, ice, sleet and unfriendly weather conditions. When my camera captures the moment and holds it in a digital file, I will remember back to the moment of the storm. For most of you these will just be pretty pictures of sheep in snow - as they should be. But what I will remember is being farm-bound, luckily with heat and lights, four lambs in the house, and the general anxiety that lambing season brings. Along with the snow comes snow days and an excuse to bake bread, knit and stay put.

The photos here are of the yearling ewes in lambs that are in the snow covered pasture just in front of our house. It is easy for me to get out there and take photos - no driving and not a long walk. These photos were taken Tuesday and Wednesday during the storm. Thank goodness these sheep (which were born last January and February) aren't lambing yet - they will probably lamb much later when the grass is green.
Snow covered mounds of sheep.... wish I could have taken them from the front but I was too lazy to wade through the several feet of snow to shoot it from the other side. Didn't want to risk losing my camera in the snow either!

These two looked happy chewing their cuds.

Look closely - she has icicles on her ears!

This ewe was so still, I thought she might be dead. But she wasn't - when I shoved the gate open for more photos, she got up and shook herself off.

Sheep are all about the food.... snow or not.

This is Olympia eating - Olympia as in last spring's postcards and "Olympia's Felted Knit & Crochet Flowers!" (HINT, HINT - great idea for Valentine's Knitting - pattern available on my Shop Page here!) She is a mature ewe now and most likely will lamb in a month or so.

They're just rolling their eyes at me.

Sheep with the garden shed behind. Here's what it looks like in the summer.

Our house looks so cozy with the orange door and the smoke coming out of the chimney. Must have looked similar to this back 200 years ago. They say it was built in 1751.

Looking forward to when we see real blooms on the hydrangeas again!

Stay warm everyone!
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