Rabu, 26 November 2008


As an American woman who has lived her entire life in the United States of America, I am thankful for all the opportunities this great country has afforded me. I am (partly) a second generation American. My Gram Frieda came from Germany in 1911 as a ten year old child - just the age Julia is right now. Gram met another new immigrant from England in the factory she was working in when she was done with grade school. She married Archie in 1921. Several years later my Uncle Harry and Dad Archie Jr. were born to Frieda and Archie. I consider myself a second generation American because Gram was the one who helped to raise us, cared for us when Mom had other obligations, and instilled in my sisters and me her hard-working German habits and non-sensical attitudes.

I know this story is so similar to so many of you reading this blog. The USA has offered us the opportunities that are not available in so many other countries in this world. Tomorrow, as you and your family, and my family and I celebrate Thanksgiving, may we wish for - and work towards - the continuing prosperity and promise that the USA has always offered in this giant world of ours. Things are not always easy - nor should they be.... New people come, old people go.... Nothing is quite right or wrong.... There is always another way to look at things. Stay open and ready to accept the new, whether you think you want to or not.

I have had the great fortune to live in the Pioneer Valley in western Massachuestts for the past 10 years. It is a place rich in beauty and land and spirit, although not in monetary opportunities. Our house is said to be built in 1751 - several years after the Pilgrims we celebrate Thanksgiving Day landed upon our continent. Almost every day I marvel that I am so lucky to be living in a building that was built so long ago. And every day I thank my lucky stars (and My Farmer who introduced me to this beautiful place) that I can try to make the world a better and prettier place - whether through our gardens, sunflowers, knitting, embroidery, pastures, animals or this here virtual blog!

I am also so thankful to all of you - my faithful blog readers and sometimes commenters. You give me a place to express my views, share my passions, and write without being edited to bits. And oh, my goodness, I didn't mean to get so philosophical here - but holidays do have a way of making me think about how life is and what it brings.

The Farmer, Julia, and I (and our assorted critters) wish you and yours a Happy and Beautiful Thanksgiving wherever you are in this world.

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