Rabu, 13 Mei 2009

Trying to See Things

This week I am reading my manuscript for the upcoming book. This is the first time I have seen the words and photos laid out together. There sure is a lot of material. I have to read it all for accuracy, add words where needed, take away words where there are too many. I have only a week to do this and believe me - it is a lot to do! Next week I'll be getting more pages to review.

When I have to do this kind of work, I need to be out of my own personal space, away from my computer, and in a place where I won't run into people I know. I have to be quiet and try not to get distracted. At our farmhouse there is distraction galore - the phone, the chance to check e-mail, the chickens cackling and crowing, the sheep escaping the fences, dishes needing to be washed. For the past few book deadlines, I have headed north to Vermont. Brattleboro is one of my stomping grounds but I am not a local so I don't get distracted by friends. I find a cafe and sit and read and drink coffee trying to stay focused.

Yesterday it was a beautiful day and the spring air was calling me. On my way to pick up Julia I stopped at an incredibly beautiful spot called Weatherhead Hollow. Here I sat, reading, writing, correcting and enjoying the incredible May day. Not bad I must say.

I pass this beautiful spot quite a few times a year but barely ever stop to sit and observe nature. The water is so pretty and reflective. This pair of geese was floating around. They will be nesting soon and baby geese will be hatching - all downy and a lovely greyish taupe color.

In the shallow water, lily pads were floating.

This was just the perfect amount of distraction. More to read and do but this book is moving on.

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