Sabtu, 12 Desember 2009

All about Pink Today

The other day I wrote about Julia's pink obsession. It was so much fun to hear about all the other girls and women out there who love or hate pink. It seems that every time I write a post about color, I get some really great comments. Color is such an important part of my life and so many other knitters, stitchers, quilters, and artists. It is great to be passionate about color because it just makes life so much more fun!

The other day, a couple of my good friends came over for our annual "build little birch houses" party. Let's just say it is now an annual event. Last year, on the day we were having our first "birch house holiday party" we had a massive snowstorm. After digging Clara's car out of the snowbank and having our neighbor Jason tow her up the hill, Kay decided to go home. Our first party was an event in its own. This year, the snow stayed away and we spent the afternoon covering little boxes with natural stuff. It was a great way to kick off the holiday season.

Julia wanted her house to be pink! What a surprise. Here's the house I made her which she glittered away in pink, pink, and more pink. (This isn't the easiest project for little kids - all the cutting and fitting of the birch bark is quite tedious.) I think the pink is beginning to grow on me!

And so to continue the Pink Talk, here's a project I've been knitting for Julia as a Christmas gift. The pattern is The Family of Slipper Socks from my new book Color by Kristin. Julia has been hinting that she'd like a pair. I knew they had to be pink or pink themed. I dug through my knitting bag and pulled out a bunch of pinkish Julia Yarn. Then I combined it with pink and magenta's complement (on the color wheel) green.

I just love complementary color combinations. I use them all the time in my work. Although many people find them garish, I think they are just so much fun! Think pink zinnias against their green leaves or magenta cosmos - just beautiful and so cheerful. Just what I want to knit on a snowy day in the midst of winter.

So here they are. I used lots of colors for the garter section. I kept mixing pink and green shades into the garter stitch. To avoid having all the ends on one side of the slipper, I used circular needles and kept slipping the work back in forth. Sometimes the garter stitch was regular Knit 2 rows. And sometimes it was Purl 2 rows. Get it?

Oh, wow, and all those ends to weave in, you say? I don't mind at all. I keep them by the telephone with a tapestry needle and weave in while I talk. It goes fast and the result is so pretty.

Here's the inside of the work.

And here is the outer side of the work.

I'll finish them up and post another photo next week once I get the edging on them.

There's still time to ship books before Christmas! Once again, I'll gladly sign them to you or a loved one. Hop on over to the shop, if you are interested.

Happy Weekend Everyone.

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