Jumat, 15 Januari 2010

Ask The Farmer

A few evenings ago while we were sitting in our cozy little television/book room I asked The Farmer if he would be up for answering reader’s questions on the blog. I wasn’t sure what the response would be because he is a rather quiet man who likes doing what he has to do and doesn’t bother much with lots of friends and other people. But here’s the good news….. He said “Yes, sure, why not?”

So here’s your project for the weekend. I’m calling it “Ask The Farmer.” Here is your chance to leave a question in the comments section of this blog with a question you have for The Farmer during Lambing Season. I know many of you live in cities far away from us and you probably wonder what living on a sheep farm is all about. Goodness knows my mom in NJ wonders what is going on up here...... I try to cover lots of bases but It is hard for me to anticipate everything you want to know so this is your chance…..

Leave a question in the Comments Section and The Farmer and I will have a go at it. I will type as he speaks. He doesn’t type nor do computers - big surprise there. You probably get the picture - I think the term Luddite describes him. I can’t promise he will answer every single question but the ones that are the most interesting and occur multiple times in the list will definitely be answered. It all depends on our weekend and how many lambs are born.

To tell you the truth, I think he is really into this whole blog thing. He feels it is our/my mission to educate the greater knitting/crafty public about agriculture, sheep farming, and sustainable agriculture. And this blog sure is great for it......

There you go – your homework for the weekend. Here are some cute lambie photos to send you on your way……. A mama and her twins relaxing in the yard.

Cuteness to the max....

Bringing a new set of twins into the barn. If you hold them by their front legs, the mother can better smell them and will follow easier than if you hold them upright in your arms where they are covered with human scent. This is nature with humans helping. Every day lambing is miracle after miracle.

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